

to Find the People You Need

Bolt Staffing is a family owned employment agency that has helped people in the San Francisco Bay Area find the right job for over 20 years.

Dear Members of the BOLT Community,

Thank you for visiting our COVID-19 Temporary Staffing Resources page. We have gone through local, state-level, and nationwide sources for information that we believe will be useful for you, your company, and your family during the Coronavirus pandemic.

BOLT remains committed to helping our workforce find employment during the pandemic, and providing our client companies and organizations with the highly skilled people they need to continue operating. This is a difficult time for our health and our economy. If you need anything (or even just want a friendly person to talk to), you can reach us at (415) 324-4966. We will answer your call.

Hopefully you find these resources useful. We have local news, fun things for your kids, and everything in between.

Love yourself, wash your hands!

Joanne Sanders
Founder of BOLT Staffing

ps – need staff to keep your workplace clean? Check out this video!